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Says it all about life!!! One of those days and we all get stuck for a bit!
How very true! Thanks so much for your support! I am glad you like the photo. :)
Is that tractor still at the same place, today ?
LOL Nope we managed to get a neighbors huge tractor to pull me out...my tractor was too small
Didnt know that John Deere make swamp buggies.
Next time use the ATV. But I don't blame you, back in the day a John Deere could have handled that.
The John Deere Should have handled it..LOL But it doesn't help when your hopper is darn near full and you are trying to cross a ditch filled with well, you know....hee hee, sticky, gooey thick mud..What a mess it made of my combine..and almost crumpled the ladder!!!
To Mark H--- Yeah John Deere came out with a new 2010 model specifically for the mud and water. Its a good thing becuz everyones predicting another wet and mucky harvest next year. ugh!!!
Was it in June,July or August
September :)
boy oh boy poor tractor has issues that must have been fun. Great PIC
Glad you like the pic . Thanks for your support Laverne :)
friend from FB... go gettum!!!
Thanks so much Larry :)
that's a great picture...didn't know a deer could get stuck like that..how did you get her out?
we need some of the swamp buggies here
When most people decide to go off road... they use a quad, not a tractor! Good luck!
Hi everyone :) We used a neighbors huge blue tractor to get me out..LOL One quick tug from that and i was out...Hubbies little tractor just didn't cut it ...LOL.....
I Love Mud Boggin ..LOL hope you win Carla :)))
CARLA-CARLA-CARLA: your brother-inlaw
Thank you Jazzy jen! :) I agree it is unreal..lol...and for my brotherinlaw doug, i am only stuck four times out of harvesting 10 quarters hee hewe....LOL
"One quick tug from that and i was out"
This quote describes exactly why your photo doesn't even deserve to be in the top 20. Nothing personal Carla, it's Flaman's fault really. It just bugs me a little that there are many other more deserving entries here. Too bad it turned into a popularity contest.
And no, I don't have an entry nor do I know anyone that does.
Dear Joe. We spend hours trying to get this combine out. Look at my other pics, or are you blind? First we used a backhoe and dug for hours, and that didn't work, we used my husbands tractor for over an hour and that didn't work. then we had to borrow a neighbors tractor to get us out..... we spent over 6 hours working on this..... so maybe you keep your rude comments to yourself..... I have been told by by alot more people with sense than you, that this picture is deserving!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i just dont think this is a deserving picture. who ever was driving the combine was clearly not paying attention and "But it doesn't help when your hopper is darn near full and you are trying to cross a ditch filled with well" come on.
Since my first comment was deleted I am relpying once more. Carla's picture is deserving, she has a series of pic's, look at them all before judging. You obviously do not know much about the conditions of the farmers fields this fall to say all you did in your initial post. Carla was working with a very expienced farmer and had not much choice where to cross as the field was in terrible shape. She worked hard to get their crops off as her hubbie also works full time. Before you judge other people please get your facts straight about conditions. All Carla was trying to do was do the best she could with this contest and try and win the much needed tow rope and some of the comments here have taken all the fun out of the contest for her.
ok, so which was it? "One quick tug and I was out" or: we spent 6 hours digging to get it out.
I'll agree with others and say that yes, it is a popularity contest, judging from the "team carla" and family replies... thats why this photo won. Not saying thats bad, thats just the way this contest was set up by flaman and it does not mean that this looks like it was the most stuck.
mmmmmm.once again...laughing....LOL....Jealously sure does come out in contests , doesn't it, yeah right?
I didn't have a picture in the contest, that was the first time I went onto this site and was incredulous at the winning picture... no jealousy, no sour grapes, just incredulity....
Laughing once again...okay i will explain it again...the contest isn't about who got stuck the most...DID YOU NOT READ THE RULES????? TOO FUNNY...
To Make a point here, hubby and i spend hours getting my combine out, it was pretty stuck....when the back hoes didn't work , we used hubbies tractor , which didn't have enough power. So we used the neighbors big tractor which got us out right away... all in all it was hours before we got out.. Please look at my other pics on here. I have been told numerous times my pics are deserving...
Joe, Sour grapes sound pretty lousy on an adult's tongue. It's obvious if you take the time to look that the ENTIRE length of the chassis is sunk to or BELOW the level of the mud which is more than I see in others in the contest. That would create an incredible amount of suction that would prevent the combine from being released from the mud without a lot of effort or at least a lot of power, hence Carla's comment that her neighbor's BIG tractor was needed. Stop pouting, Joe.
You said it all Kara :) :) !!!
Even if it's not the one that's stuck the worst it's worth voting for if it's representative of everyone who got stuck.
Sorry everyone, I agree with Joe. While it's a good stuck, there are many other photos that are more deserving. I also don't have an entry in this contest, just wanted to point out the obvious.
Look at all Carla's pic's, One the mud is half way up the huge tires. I call that stuck in the muck and that is what this contest is all about. It does not say vote for the one stuck the worst it says to vote on the one we like. So for those of you who are saying Carla is not deserving of the win it is truly sour grapes on your part and you say you have no one you know in this contest, I don't think so.
She just didn't put her pictures in a series. Looking at this one: http://www.stuckinthemuck.com/photo.php?image_id=242
it looks very stuck.
This contest is about who likes which photo the most? Is it not? I agree with bun.... It is not a contest about who is more deserving... please both you and joe go back and read the rules...EVERYONE has a personal choice on who they like more? Is the picture quality good? Are they stuck good? I am told by alot of people they like my picture...and i am truly sorry i have alot of friends who like it too.. I smell sour grapes by so many...hmmmmmm i thought we were all adults here. And no that i am not upset at all...I am actually laughing ...some people like kara said, are just pouting!!
Thank you mike....You are also right :) :)
To Joe and Lets be honest: I have five or so pictures on the constest. I tried to upload them into a series but the wesite wouldn't let me. So did one individual picture at a time. Did both of you bother to go look at all my other pics? They are of the SAME incident. Or did you just judge ME from this one pic! I was very stuck, to the point my ladder bent quite abit...My back end was in a water ditch...It took over 6 hours to get me out!!! Before you make, rude pouty comments, cover all your facts first! There is also a back hoe involved which was unsuccessfull in getting me out.!!
I think everyone needs to calm down a little bit. Like said above we are all adults here and should maybe act like it. Not trying to take anyones side but everyone needs to relax and just have fun with this contest because that's what its all about. Everyone's entry is deserving for this contest, and everyone is entitled to their opinion on which photo they think is the most 'stuck.' Although I don't think that Joe is 'pouting,' he is simply just stating his opinion which everyone is entitled to. No hard feelings to anyone. Thanks.
Dear Annonymous.....mmmm makes me wonder why you cant can sign their full name after a comment?
If that opionion, is negative my dear annonymous it has NO BUSINESS
on a contest that should be fun for everyone!!! There should also be no room for jealous on a contest either...Or attacking someone because they are leading!!!!!!!
Annonymous here again. Yes I put my name as annonymous because I was free to put my name as anything I wanted, so I did. But if you must know my name is Shelly and I am 17. All I wanted to do with my comment was keep the peace because everyone was attacking one another and a contest on who's picture is the most stuck was not an appropriate place for it. But I think you took my comment the wrong way because i was not trying to 'attack' anyone but simply say that this is all for fun and it's just a contest. Like I said before everyone is deserving of this contest, and I agree with you that negativity should be kept to oneself and 'attacking' someone over the internet is not very mature. Just wanted to clear that up.
Thank you for your input Shelley...It is very much appreciated :) I will no longer be commenting on posts. All my friends tell me to ignore the pettiness..Take care.
What were you thinking trying to cross a water filled ditch with a half-full hopper? I realize not everyone has a grain cart or other means of getting grain from across a run, but, wow...
Unfortunately there were water filled ditches all along the field... and we don't have a grain cart. I was following directions from a farmer who has been farming for over 3o years.
GO TEAM CARLA!!! I wanna take that bad boy for a spin :)
LOL -----> Too Funny Kim :) I am so lucky to have so many friends that support and believe in me.. :)
Did you cross more than once through this ditch? We had to cross two ditches with water over 20 times with 150 bu in our 9600. Only got stuck once, then found firmer crossing spots, combined the whole quarter! What a time so many of us endured. Good luck!
I sure did....Hubby did warn me though not to cross the same spot twice and i actually got sidetracked and yep i crossed the same spot twice...Otherwise i would have been fine..I also erred in trying to get out which caused the combine to sink deeper than it looks in the pics...the back end was pretty level with ground almost..LOL Thanks so much Francoiss :)
Dear "b" All of my friends warned me not to pay attention to people like you...so i won't! I have too many people who support me. U are too FUNNY and deserve a laugh!!!!...LOL
My initial is "B" not to be confused with "b"
Dec 14, 2010 at 12:23 pm
Gee...me thinks that this person did not watch "Bambi" and is forgetting the "Reason for the Season". "If you don't have anything nice to say then don't say anything at all" and most importantly ..."judge not lest yea be judged." Think about that when you are celebrating the season and calling people "stupid". Think real hard next fall when you are driving one of these machines. I have met this person and she would give the shirt off her back for anyone. She has always thinks of others before herself and trying her best to help her hubby pay the mortgage and feed the kids and you come off with your "full of self" attitude. May PEACE and JOY not hatred be in your heart this season and Carla...taking the high road is the only way you know how to go-keep on smiling cause that is YOU!
Hi everyone. As contest sponsors, at Flaman Group of Companies we have been monitoring comments for swear words, offensive comments or name calling. Some have been deleted or edited accordingly.
We launched this contest as a fun way for everyone to share their experiences, because a lot of Saskatchewan farmers got stuck in the muck this year. We thought adding a Comment feature would be a way for everyone across the province to communicate, commiserate and show support. The spirit of the contest is that all who participate are deserving of winning. Whether you got stuck for an hour or a day, we all appreciate the hard work that farmers do to get a crop in or off the field. That's why the Top 5 photos with the most votes can win and also 5 random photos will win prizes too.
But it is the Internet and all are entitled to their opinion regarding the best "stuck" photo. We hope the spirit of the contest will be shared by all.
You are absolutely right. It is a contest that is supposed to be fun and not a contest where someone in the lead is constantly attacked. Everyones photo is deserving. We all had a hard time at harvest. I do not believe comments that are rude or a cut down should be allowed and that is why i emailed you.
hooz diz
n today too :)
Thanks so much for the support Kim...I am so blessed to have so many good friends :) :)
A special thanks also goes out to Flamans for monitoring negative comments and removing...Thats the spirit of this contest...Its supposed to be fun!!! Thanks again :) :)
It's a Deere. I have to vote for it! Ahh brings back the good old days growing up in Iowa. Good times, good times.
wooo aunty carla! love you! lol :P
I love you 2 Kelly Belly! :P
If people were only allowed to vote once per picture this one would not even be in the top 25. sorry just not as good as the others on this site.
People are only allowed to vote once per picture.
once per picture per day.
OK, so everyone can vote 14 times per photo, it's not like someone can sit there all day clicking on it.
Dave why don't you try and vote more than once on a picture. You will find out quick enough that you CAN NOT vote more than once on a picture. Why are you picking on 1st place?
This is not very stuck compared to the many others. Clearly other people think the same as they have also comented here, dont get me wrong i am not bashing this casue its winning i just want to know if i am missing something here???
I don't see anywhere in the rules where it says the photo has to be the most stuck (which is pretty subjective anyways). You're supposed to vote for your favourite photo. The end.
I will not forget a very wet fall in the Manitoba Interlake in 1957. My job was to haul out whichever of two combines got stuck next.
I used a Minneapolis Moline tractor rigged with a half-track and about 350 feet of logging chains.
Pulling out the monster harvesters you use today without tearing them apart is a feat in itself - and you get just as wet, dirty and cold as I did in the '50s.
Fact of life: logging chain soaked in water doubles in weight every couple of hours.
I had so much fun doing this contest. I have learned the spirit and generosity is alive in saskatchewan people. You guys are all great!
Merry Christmas to all :)
All I can see is one picture, not a series.
This only happens in Saskatchewan never in Alberta.
Then why did it run in the Calgary Herald? ;)